Life begins the day you start a garden.
-Chinese Proverb
Everything is seed.
To garden is a solitary act.
-Michelle Cliff
To dwell is to garden.
-Martin Heidegger
He who plants a garden plants happiness.
If you want to be happy for a lifetime,
plant a garden.
-Chinese Proverb
A garden is a friend you can visit any time.
-Okakura Kakuzo
[Gardening] is the purest of human pleasures.
-Francis Bacon
The glory of gardening:
hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.
To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.
-Alfred Austin
A garden is a delight to the eye
and a solace for the soul.
The garden reconciles human art and wild nature, 
hard work and deep pleasure, 
spiritual practice and the material world. 
It is a magical place because it is not divided.
-Thomas Moore
The glory of the garden
lies in more than meets the eye.
 -Rudyard Kipling
Flowers and plants are silence presences; 
they nourish every sense except the ear.
-May Sarton
There are always flowers
for those who want to see them.
-Henri Matisse
In a garden more grows
than the gardener sows.
-Spanish Proverb
Each garden has its own surprise.
-Susan Allen Toth
He who cultivates a garden,
and brings to perfection flowers and fruits
cultivates and advances at the same time his own nature.
-Ezra Weston
As is the garden, such is the gardener.
-Francis Bacon
The garden is a ground plot for the mind.
-Thomas Hill
A garden is the mirror of a mind.
-Henry Beston
Show me your garden
and I shall tell you who you are.
-Alfred Austin
Before they become a tangible reality,
all phenomena are seeds.
The wise man takes great care of seeds.
-Han Fei Zi
Every seed is a longing.
-Kahil Gibran
A garden is made of hope.
-W. S. Merwin
Like a gardener,
I believe that what goes down
must come up.
-Lynwood L. Giacomini
Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up
where no seed has been,
I have great faith in a seed.
Convince me that you have a seed there,
and I am prepared to expect wonders.
-Henry David Thoreau
No seed ever sees the flower.
-Zen Saying
To sow the same seeds
is to reap the same weeds.
-Vernon Howard
I ask not for a larger garden,
But for finer seeds.
-Russell Herman Conwell
Only a new seed will yield a new crop.
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Not every soil can bear all things.
Friends, the soil is poor,
we must sow seeds in plenty
for us to garner even modest harvests.
Our tendency is to be interested
in something that is growing in the garden,
not in the bare soil itself.
But if you want to have a good harvest,
the most important thing is to make the soil rich
and cultivate it well.
-D. T. Suzuki
The flower must drink the nature of the soil
before it can put forth its blossoming.
-John Keats
The most noteworthy thing about gardeners
is that they are always optimistic,
always enterprising, and never satisfied.
They always look forward to doing something better
than they have ever done before.
-Vita Sackville-West
The trouble with gardening
is that it does not remain an avocation.
It becomes an obsession.
-Phyllis McGinley
Life is bristling with thorns,
and I know no other remedy
than to cultivate one's garden.
We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.
-Abraham Lincoln
Sweet flowers are slow and weeds make haste.
-William Shakespeare
Weeds don't need planting in well-drained soil;
they don't ask for fertilizer or bits of rag to scare away the birds.
They come without invitation;
and they don't take the hint when you want them to go.
Weeds are nobody's guests:
More like squatters.
-Norman Nicholson
A good gardener starts as a good weeder.
-Amos Pettingill
What is a weed?
A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A weed is a treasure
and a treasure is a weed.
By valuing some things and not others,
the value of everything is missed.
-Zen Saying

They whom truth and wisdom lead,
Can gather honey from a weed.
-William Cowper

The entire fruit
is already present in the seed.
The seed never explains the flower.
-Edith Hamilton
I do not think one can explain growth.
It is silent and subtle.
One does not keep digging up a plant
to see how it grows.
-Emily Carr
There are always flowers
for those who want to see them.
-Henri Matisse
Flowers are sunshine, food and medicine
to the soul.
-Luther Burbank
Won't you come into the garden?
I would like my roses to see you.
-Richard Sheridan
He who would have beautiful roses in his garden
must have beautiful roses in his heart:
he must love them well and always.
-Samuel Hole
The perfumes are the feeling of the flowers.
-Heinrich Heine
Give me odorous at sunrise
a garden of beautiful flowers
where I can walk undisturbed.
-Walt Whitman
Gardens are the result
of a collaboration between art and nature.
-Penelope Hobhouse
All gardening is landscape painting.
-Alexander Pope
Gardening is the art
that uses flowers and plants as paint,
and the soil and sky as canvas.
-Elizabeth Murray
All gardeners live in beautiful places
because they make them so.
-Joseph Joubert
What would be ugly in a garden
constitutes beauty in a mountain.
-Victor Hugo
True gardeners cannot bear a glove
between the sure touch and the tender root.
-May Sarton
Water the roots,
all the branches will drink.
Water the root to enjoy the fruit.
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The trees that are slow to grow
bear the best fruit.
Gardening imparts an organic perspective
on the passage of time.
Time ripens the substance of a life
as the seasons mellow and perfect its fruits.
The best apples fall latest and keep longest.
-Amos Bronson Alcott
Who loves a garden still his Eden keeps,
Perennial pleasure plants, and wholesome harvest reaps.
-Amos Bronson Alcott
The crop needs every season to grow strong.
-The Oculatum
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
-J. R. R. Tolkien
A garden is never finished.
-D. T. Suzuki
We must cultivate our garden.
Working in the garden
gives me a profound feeling of inner peace.
Nothing here is in a hurry.
There is no rush toward accomplishment,
no blowing of trumpets.
Here is the great mystery of life and growth.
Everything is changing, growing, aiming at something,
but silently, unboastfully, taking its time.
-Ruth Stout
The garden reconciles human art and wild nature,
hard work and deep pleasure,
spiritual practice and the material world.
-Thomas Moore
A man sooner or later discovers
that he is the master gardener of his soul,
the director of his life.
-James Allen
Gardening is an instrument of grace. 
-May Sarton
But verily the garden, the gardener,
and the perfumes are all one!
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Your life is the garden,
your thoughts are the seeds,
if your life isn't awesome,
you've been watering the weeds.
-Terry Prince